[Eng Sub] 200427 GOT7 - Make a Wish #wishesarewaitingIGOT7 SubsMar 24, 2021Available on YT, DM, and GDrive as well! YT — https://bit.ly/2VLtlCn DM — https://bit.ly/2ShCWiq GDrive — https://bit.ly/3d1w14vNo reuploading on any other platforms No cropping of watermark Credit if making contents #GOT7#GOT7_DYE#GOT7_NOTBYTHEMOON#igot7subs
Available on YT, DM, and GDrive as well! YT — https://bit.ly/2VLtlCn DM — https://bit.ly/2ShCWiq GDrive — https://bit.ly/3d1w14vNo reuploading on any other platforms No cropping of watermark Credit if making contents #GOT7#GOT7_DYE#GOT7_NOTBYTHEMOON#igot7subs